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Available Paintings from previous Collections
Fragmentary Selves
Acrylic on Canvas 200 cm x120 cm (2024)
8000 kr.
When all the selves collide and align messily and harmoniously.
Coming soon...
Painting in the make.
My Cat hide my Homework
Acrylic on Canvas 80 cm x120 cm
7000 kr.
The picture depicts a mundane and ludicrous situation among humans: an "innocent" cat playing his owner.
Should he throw him a shoe? Definitely!
My Dog Ate my Homework
Acrylic on Canvas 80 cm x120 cm
7000 kr.
The picture depicts a mundane and ludicrous situation among humans: an innocent dog eating homework, a teacher not believing the story, and a conflicted dog's owner.
Should he throw him a shoe? No.
The Killer Rabbit
Acrylic on Canvas 80 cm x120 cm
4000 kr.
Inspired by Monty Python's film, 'The Killer Rabbit'. The painting reunites different characters from Monty Python's reality and brings the Killer Rabbit to the front.
Pachamama's Children
Acrylic on Canvas 80 x120
3000 kr.
Pachamama's Children (Los hijos de la Pachamama) painting showcases Mother Earth's fruits that cohabitate and survive in dependency.
Tango in Caminito
Acrylic on Canvas 120 x120
3000 kr.
The painting is a memory of my Sundays spent in Caminito when living in Buenos Aires.
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